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Consortium Members  

Uniwersytet Łódzki - University of Lodz
Head of Consortium

The University of Lodz is one of the largest Polish universities located in central Poland, with more than 40,000 students and almost 4,000 personnel in 12 faculties and some interdisciplinary organizational units, such as the Centre of Excellence KNOWBASE and the High-Tech Accelerator Innovation Centre. The concept of lifelong learning has important place in our institution’s mission. Each year, the university monitors occurring changes and developments in education and tries to propose forms and contents of teaching relating to the modern, high European standards. Most of the major courses have the Teaching Quality Certificate granted by the University Accreditation Commission, as well as positive opinion of the National Accreditation Commission. 

Contact person: Michał Kulik, MA

Head of International Educational Projects Office

University of Lodz, Poland

E-Mail: mkulik(at)

Phone: +48 42635 47 52

University of Westminster
Consortium Member

The University of Westminster is a diverse and dynamic international education institution situated in Harrow and the heart of London, one of the world’s great cities. With a vibrant learning environment and a commitment to educating for professional life, the University has a distinguished 170-year history, and continues to attract more than 20,000 students from 150 different nations. A wide range of Westminster’s courses are independently rated as excellent. Internationalisation, employability and sustainability are key elements of the University’s vision for the future. The internationally recognised Department of Politics and International Relations hosts the Centre for the Study of Democracy (established in 1989) and the Governance and Sustainability research and teaching programme (launched in 2007), both of which are contributing to the GAVA project.

Contact person: Dr Dan Greenwood

Department of Politics and International Relations

University of Westminster

E-Mail: D.Greenwood2(at)

Phone: ­+20 7911 5000 x7627

Fachhochschule für angewandtes Management - University of Applied Management
Consortium Member

 The University of Applied Management (UAM) is a dynamic and innovative partner for higher education specializing in flexible hands-on competence development, curriculum development and application-oriented research. UAM offers expert knowledge and professional experience in the field of political and public management and in the training of public officials within the German local government system. UAM uses flexible learning format (semi-virtual education); transfer of theory and practice; individualized services. Transfer of theory and practice is achieved through our innovative courses and project-based seminars, as well as through our highly qualified staff. 100% of professors hold a PhD in addition to a several years of professional experience in their specialized field.

Contact person: Prof. Matthias Spörrle

Project Coordinator Erasmus Mundus

University of Applied Management

E-Mail: matthias.spoerrle(at)

Tel: +49 89 999 79 67 60

Panepistimio Kritis - University of Crete
Consortium Member

The University of Crete participates in several local, regional and translational programmes in R&D, training and teaching, including Erasmus. The UoC is fully staffed and equipped to carry out and administer many programmes of those types as shown by its past and current participation or coordination. UoC is multi-disciplinary, research- oriented Institution. It is a University with a well-known reputation both nationally and internationally, with state of-the art curricula and graduate programmes, considerable research activity and initiatives that reflect its dynamic character. Approximately 16000 students attend the University. The University's staff consists of 511 Teaching and Research Staff members. Its' operation is supported by more than 489 administrative staff. The University of Crete has been congratulated many times for its excellent administration on the Erasmus Programm.

Contact person: Eleftheria Alefandinou, MA

Head, Division of International Relations and European Programmes

University of Crete, Rethymno Campus, Greece

E-Mail: alefandinou(at)

Phone: +30 28310 77724

Graduate Instutute for food, animal health, agricultural and environmental sciences VetArgo Sup, France

Consortium Member

VetAgro Sup is a higher education French public institution, established in January 2010 by the merger of two former French “Grandes Ecoles”: Enita Clermont, National Graduate School for Agriculture, and Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Lyon, Graduate School for Veterinary Medicine. The newly established VetAgro Sup Institute covers thus two main domains – agriculture and veterinary medicine through two Campuses: agronomical Campus in Clermont and Veterinary Campus in Lyon. Participation in project will be mainly assumed by the Agronomical campus in Clermont (formerly Enita Clermont). Courses for agronomical engineers delivered on Clermont Campus at graduate level deal often with governance features and analysis. Teaching staff has also an important expertise in leading projects aimed to support governing institutions acting for sustainable development.

Contact person: Christophe Déprés

GAVA Project Holder

VetAgro Sup Institute, France

E-Mail: christophe.depres(at)

Phone: +33 (0) 4 73 98 29 36